Whether you’re just starting out with CDPs or a seasoned CDP pro, Treasure Data CDP Learning Hub is the one-stop-shop for your customer data journey. From CDP 101 to deep dives into CDP ROI, brand engagement, and customer data management, we have the info you need.

The customer journey has never been more complex, which means you need the ability to connect more data from more sources and make connections across more channels.

Why CDP?

What is a Customer Data Platform (CDP)? Why do you need it? Your guide to boosting enterprise-wide marketing efficiency with a 360-degree view of your customers.

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Data security, consent, and regulation is only getting more complex, particularly for leading brands.

CDP Vendor Selection

Learn how to select the CDP vendor that’s best for your organization. We explain what you need to ask about everything from the security of your customer data to the AI used to uniquely and accurately segment and target prospects and customers.

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Data security, consent, and regulation is only getting more complex, particularly for leading brands.
The customer journey has never been more complex, which means you need the ability to connect more data from more sources and make connections across more channels.

Why Treasure Data?

Discover the Treasure Data CDP difference! Find out what makes the Treasure Data Customer Data Platform unique and how it can help your company excel and innovate.

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The customer journey has never been more complex, which means you need the ability to connect more data from more sources and make connections across more channels.


What’s the difference between a Customer Data Platform (CDP) and Data Management Platform (DMP)? How can they work together and what is best for your use cases?

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The customer journey has never been more complex, which means you need the ability to connect more data from more sources and make connections across more channels.
Leverage customer experience insights to help integrate your brand's marketing efforts and bettter orchestrate the customer journey.

Shape the Customer Journey

Leverage customer experience insights to help integrate your brand’s marketing efforts and better orchestrate the customer journey.

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Find out about lead nurturing, audience segmentation, omnichannel messaging, and journey personalization.

CDP Marketing Optimization Examples

Find out about lead nurturing, audience segmentation, omnichannel messaging, and journey personalization.

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Find out about lead nurturing, audience segmentation, omnichannel messaging, and journey personalization.
How to take control of your data security and privacy to maintain compliance with increasingly complex regulations.

Your Guide to Data Security and Privacy

How to take control of your data security and privacy to maintain compliance with increasingly complex regulations.

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The Complete Guide to CDPs

Everything you need to know about CDPs! Do a deep dive and discover more about CDP architecture, CDP integrations, data privacy and compliance, the ROI of CDPs, and how to choose the right CDP.

Customer Data Management

Customer Data Management

What is Customer Data Management (CDM) and why does it matter? And how do CDPs help to achieve your CDM strategy? Find out how to avoid data overload and other CDM best practices.

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Overdue for a CDP Upgrade?

Overdue for a CDP Upgrade?

Ready to arm your marketing, sales, and support teams with critical insights? Learn about the common pitfalls of sticking to a legacy customer data system and the benefits of a CDP upgrade.

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Top 3 CDP Advantages for Retailers

Top 3 CDP Advantages for Retailers

Are you a retailer? Find out how you can use a CDP to unify customer data, deliver quality insights, and improve customer engagement to boost ROI.

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Level up your data skills

The new Treasure Data CDP Academy can take you from data collection to data-driven activation.

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Customer Data Platform vs. CRM

What’s the difference between a Customer Data Platform (CDP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system? Compare sales and marketing use cases to discover how CDP offers a richer data foundation and deeper customer insights.

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Is Customer Insights Enrichment Enough?

Is Customer Insights Enrichment Enough?

Unlock the full power of your customer data! Learn how a CDP can take you beyond customer insights enrichment into a powerful next best action (NBA) strategy that produces tangible results.

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The ROI in a CDP

The ROI in a CDP

Wondering about the potential CDP ROI for your company? We asked respected analysts to calculate the financial impact of Treasure Data’s CDP.

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Better Brand Engagement

Better Brand Engagement

Trying to close the gap between your brand and your customers? Find out how a CDP can help you leverage every customer insights opportunity via precise targeting and timely engagement.

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Leveraging Customer Journey Touchpoints

Leveraging Customer Journey Touchpoints

Discover how a CDP can help retailers maximize sales performance across all customer journey touchpoints via insights-driven marketing and personalization.

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How to Develop a Customer Insights Strategy

How to Develop a Customer Insights Strategy

A robust customer insights strategy ends enterprise silos to create a consistent, personalized customer experience across sales, marketing, and service.

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Improve Your Lead Generation

Improve Your Lead Generation

Find out how a CDP can help map the customer journey toward acquisition through dynamic personalization and consumer insights activation.

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Stages of the Customer Journey

Stages of the Customer Journey

Dive deeper into each stage of the customer journey, from possible entry/awareness, to intermediate brand touchpoints, to conversion.

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How to Leverage Customer Experience Initiatives

How to Leverage Customer Experience Initiatives

Learn how to win customers’ trust and create great experiences—while increasing revenue.

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Predicting New CX Trends

Predicting New CX Trends

Stay ahead of your competition! Use a CDP for customer experience insights to track new CX trends.

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The Value of Customer Loyalty

The Value of Customer Loyalty

Discover the value of customer loyalty and how to nurture it with the right brand actions along the customer journey.

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Optimize Customer Journey-based Advertising

Optimize Customer Journey-based Advertising

You can leverage customer journey-based advertising to fine-tune targeting, boost ROI, and cut costs. Find out how!

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Explore how Treasure Data CDP can help you derive new customer insights.

With the help of our experts and solution partners, we'll help you identify data gaps and guide you to make the right data decisions by extracting the most value out of your data.

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